Professional Hospital Furnishers
Professional Hospital Furnishers
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  Sialkot - 51310, Pakistan

  +92 432 555885, 559980,
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About Us

Human body and its systems are one of the most amazing facts known to man. The toughness, flexibility, maneuverability, adaptability, practicality and acute ruggedness combined with delicacy are just a few characteristics, mystery of which still remains to be completely unfolded.

Making instruments, meant to treat an object as varied in its nature and qualities as a human body, is indeed a great challenge, calling for an unmatched precision. It requires a matching set of characteristics to be effective in usage and highly practical in its various applications.

PHF took this challenge back in 1972. Knowing the toughness of task, hard to meet objectives could only be met with a lot of seriousness towards the job. Since then, it has been a never-ending quest for perfection.

As Leaders in the local surgical instruments industry, we are satisfying the highest quality and service requirements of buyers and end users, practically in every part of the globe. Trusted by a prestigious portfolio of clients worldwide, we really try harder and harder to maintain the lead in quality and workmanship.

Ingredients of Leadership...
Searching for innovation, we believe in a lot of research to continue a never-ending process of improvement and modification which helps us keep pace with the changing requirements and techniques of the rapidly advancing times.

Constantly upgrading our machinery and equipment, in line with the most modern technological developments, assures quality in a cost-effective manner.

Rigorous training and a lot of investment in the best possible human resource guarantees workmanship, which is second to none. Our team of 120 people, all qualified and hard trained for their job, remains committed to the production of such standards that assure complete customer satisfaction.


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