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Can women drink as much as men?
Women on the average, show the effects of alcohol more immediately, more intensely and for longer periods of time than men. Women tend to weigh less and have a higher percentage of body fat than men, and therefore have less body fluid to dilute alcohol. Alcohol tends to be water soluble but at high concentration it becomes fat soluble. Since alcohol is deposited in fatty tissue at these higher levels and women have a higher percentage of body fat, they have more "sponges" to hold the alcohol in the body for longer periods of time. Women produce less enzymes to break down alcohol, and female hormones make the female body more susceptible to alcohol at certain times in the menstrual cycle. Because of these factors, women may develop alcoholism more quickly than men, and their progression to severe complications will be more rapid. Please refer to the chart in the main Alcohol section which demonstrates how to estimate your blood alcohol level. Note the differences between men and women when weight is the same.

Are there special risks for women?
Research indicates that alcohol plays a part in many cases of sexual assault. Up to 90% of rapes involve impairment, either of the perpetrator, victim, or both. While alcohol is not the cause of sexual assault, it may lessen a person's inhibitions, allow violent people to become more violent, and impair a person's ability to discern whether a situation is safe. A person's ability to make a sound decision about prevention of sexually transmitted diseases or pregnancy is also impaired. The ability to actually use a barrier contraceptive method correctly and effectively is impaired, even more so if both people are intoxicated. Unplanned and unprepared for sex can have devastating consequences physically and emotionally.

Are there special strengths for women?
Women generally drink less, and less often than men. National trends indicate that a smaller percentage of women drink alcohol than men, and that women's drinking patterns tend to reflect the drinking patterns of their significant other.
But "times they are a changin." After centuries of social taboos on women drinking, women are catching up with men. Recent surveys indicate that more young women are drinking. According to a 1996 Duke survey, the percentage of female and male current drinkers is relatively the same: 70% for females and 69% for males.
Female and male drinking patterns vary. The average number of drinks per week varies: females 4 drinks and males 6 drinks. A destructive pattern of drinking is binge drinking, defined as drinking 5 or more drinks in one sitting within the last two weeks. It is generally related to negative consequences. Twenty-five percent of females at Duke report binge drinking two or more times within a two week period compared to 33% or Duke males. The difference in prevalence is greater when comparing the highest binge drinking pattern of six or more times within the past two weeks (2.5% vs 14%).

Negative Consequences from Binge Drinking for Women
  • 62% suffered hangovers
  • 14% performed poorly on a test or important project
  • 4% been in trouble with police, residence hall, or other college authorities
  • 3% damaged property, pulled fire alarms, etc.
  • 18% got into an argument or fight
  • 47% got nauseated or vomited
  • 20% driven a car while under the influence
  • 32% missed a class
  • 24% been criticized by someone they know
  • 6% thought they might have a drinking or drug problem
  • 36% had a memory loss
  • 37% done something they later regretted
  • 15% have been taken advantage of sexually
  • 12% have been hurt or injured

    Negative Consequences from Others' Drinking
  • 35% of females reported interrupted studying due to others' drinking
  • 19% of females reported they feel unsafe
  • 38% of females reported physical living space is messed up

    The 1996 survey also looked at students' perception of their campus environment:
  • 16% of females did not feel safe on this campus (compared to 2% of males)
  • 78% of females said that they have a responsibility to the wellbeing of other students (compared to 66% of males)

    Are women prone to alcoholism through genetics?
    Only recent studies have indicated that women are just as susceptible as men to genetic predisposition to alcoholism. Genetics accounts for up to 60% of the factors which determine a person's vulnerability to problem drinking and alcoholism. Strong genetic predisposition can contribute to a more rapid advancement of the disease but women in general have a more rapid progression due to faster physical deterioration. The famale body suffers more quickly due to higher blood alcohol levels, a result of lower levels of alcohol dehydrogenase. The good news is that treatment professionals are learning how the disease of alcoholism is different for women and therefore tailor the treatment for women. Since female alcoholics suffer more often from depression, attempt suicide more often, take prescription medications, and suffer from abusive relationships, unique approaches to recovery are required. One such approach is the self-help group Women for Sobriety (WFS) . This group's focus is to build up women's self respect and esteem in a small support group setting. The following chart illustrates the differences between WFS and Alcoholics Anonymous . You can also follow the links above for each group's homepage.

    Alcoholics Anonymous and Women For Sobriety
    AAWFSPhilosophy is to "Turn over" our will and our lives.We take charge. "Our bodies, our selves.Higher Power concept.Emotional and spiritual growth are fundamental.Emphasis on alcoholism. "My name is Jean and I'm an alcoholic."Emphasis on recovery. "My name is Jean and I'm a competent woman."Keep the past vibrant in order to stay sober.Put the past behind us to stay sober.AA Program based on religious philosophy from the Oxford Group: a. admitted powerlessness; b. made continuing moral inventories; c. confess shortcomings to another and make amends; d. pray for the power to carry this out and help others.WFS Program based upon metaphysical philosophy--our thoughts create our world. Philosophy of WRS also that of reality therapy.A meeting a week for a lifetime or will be drinking.Once we learn how to cope with the problems of life, we won't need a group any longer.Emphasis is on humility and dampening down the ego.We must overcome humility and learn to find ego strengths.Not opposed to coffee.Opposed to coffee in excess of one or two cups a day.Often urge members to eat candy when wanting to drink.Sugar detrimental to alcoholics. Urge use of vitamins and learning about nutrition.
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