This search option gives you results that contain the names and alphabets or begin with the alphabets in the same sequence you entered them. Some examples are forceps, knives and scissors.

If you are using a combination of words, like if you are searching for haemostatic forceps, always separate the two words with a + sign (haemostatic+forceps), leaving no space between the words.

All items will appear with their item code numbers, which are indexed.
alphabet search:
Use the alphabet ( A, B, C, D,...) to search for a more detailed listing. This search works exactly like the index of a printed catalogue where all the names beginning from the same alphabet have been lined up together. If the product name is known to you, then this is the easiest way to reach it. If results show folders, click on + to see more results with same alphabet.
category search:
All instruments have been classified according to the categories they fall in. Clicking on the desired category will also open sub-categories, taking you very close to the required instrument. Open the sub-category folder where all the instruments are lined up. Click on the picture sign on the left and the instrument picture will open in a separate window. You can open multiple pictures at the same time, minimizing them to view them a little later.